It's been awhile. I have missed you all. Yes, you Fletch, and the 3 other people who were faithful followers. I have been so busy writing for other things that the blog had to take a break. This summer I am returning to blogging, and maybe after the summer, but throughout the summer I will be blogging, for sure.
To kick off the summer, I am going to do a huge decade list. Yeah, I know, it's halfway through the first year of a new decade, but this stuff takes time. I am trying to do a little catch up on the plethora of films I have missed, as well as finish the school year in one piece.
I will be joined on this task by my wife, Tasha and my good friend Ryan Hibbett, who is now a film student at North Carolina School of the Arts(who's alumni include: Danny McBride, David Gordon Green, Paul Schneider, and Jody Hill, among many others).
We are going to try and make it as big as possible, top 20 films of the decade, top 10 actors/actresses, top 10 scenes, top 10 lines of dialogue, etc. If you have any ideas, and I know Fletch is great at making ideas for lists, comment and let me know.
Anyway, thanks guys. See you soon.