The Darjeeling Limited follows 3 brothers on a spiritual journey through India(riding a train called The Darjeeling Limited). Francis, Peter and Jack Whitman (played perfectly by Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman respectively) are all searching for some sort of peace in their lives. They haven't seen each other in a year, since their fathers funeral, But Francis pulls them together to try and see where things went wrong. Along the way they make stops at various spiritual hot spots, but it isn't until tragedy hits that they are again able to come together and gain any sort of wisdom from their journey.
I found that Wes Anderson really poured his heart into this film, it seems, more than any other. The brothers try and try and try to get things right but they continue to make mistakes.
The works of Anderson constantly have some sort of downfall with the father. In Rushmore(1998) Max is embarrassed of his father and his profession, so he looks up to Mr. Blume as a father figure. What Max realizes is that his father loves him and that's all that matters. In The Royal Tennenbaums(2001) none of the children feel connected to their father in any way. He has fed them lie after lie, and it isn't until the father realizes how he has let them down that they can have reconciliation. The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou(2004) finds Steve being confronted by a son he never knew he had, and dealing with wanting to be a father.

This can be signified mainly by the simple fact that they are riding a train. In film, the train generally is said to signify progress. Mainly in westerns we see this because most of them are set in the time where railroads are first being built. This is why I believe they named the film after the train. This film is the progress of the brothers lives.
All the brothers want is to feel something again, anything. They are so numb from the pills they pop throughout the film that it's amazing any of them can perform a coherent thought. At one point while visiting a temple in India, all three brothers are praying beside each other when Jack asks "do you feel anything yet?" and Peter responds with "I hope so." Through this we can see their emptiness and their need for anything. They don't care what it is but if some of the most spiritual places in the world can't help than what can?
Francis' face, throughout the film, is covered in bandages. He explains that it was from a motorcycle accident, what we find out is that it may not have been an accident. After the brothers face tragedy and seem to make a move at "becoming brothers again like (they) used to be" do we finally see the damage on Francis' face. He cuts off the bandages and says "Looks like I still got some healing to do." to which Jack replies," getting there though" and Peter adds "its definitely going to add a lot of character to you". Through this we can really not only see that he is growing but they are growing together.
The cinematography in this film is absolutely beautiful, it truly captures the feel of India, but also the feeling of the brothers. The camera, as usual in a Anderson film, flows from room to room, or cabin to cabin and just almost seems to be another character.
This story about family and the bonds that tie them together is serious yet funny, ugly yet beautiful, tragic yet hopeful. The ending couldn't have been more perfect.
"Dad's bags aren't gonna make it."
You did a nice job exploring the deeper truths behind comedies here. Your concluding paragraph was also nicely written. One suggestion though, would be to switch around the wording so that it's more consistent: "serious but funny, ugly but beautiful, tragic but hopeful..." so that the negative always precedes the positive.
p.s. how was definitely maybe?
I love how you tackled the "baggage" motif. I suppose that is whatI started to do then quickly lost track. The way you tied in the father/son thing with "The Life Aquatic" was also equally as tasty. This movie was awesome. Good job.
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