I guess, documentaries are going to be my first foray into genre study(sorry TS). Please, if you have any in mind that I should particularly have a look at leave any recommendations in the comments. I will gladly have a look at them. I am picking out 10-12 films to view in the coming month. So far on my current list of documentaries I have:
Hoop Dreams
The Thin Blue Line
Harlan County USA
Gates Of Heaven
Vernon, Florida
Don't Look Back
Roger and Me
The Times of Harvey Milk
American Movie
Hearts and Minds
Little Dieter Needs to Fly
That's the 12 I currently have chosen, but I understand most of these are from the 80's and 90's, so as I said before I am open to suggestion and would nix any of these films to add a more deserving documentary from an earlier time.
I did not add Woodstock or any other concert films as those will be studied when I do concert films.
My next study will more than likely be Silent Comedies and then I will do Horror. I am genuinely excited about both of those as well as my current study.
Thanks for voting.
Of all the documentaries that you have listed I have only watched Roger and Me when I went on a throw all Micheal Moore's documentaries in the cart spree recently!...Therefore, I have to checkout some of the documentaries below before you review them!
Btw, let me take the time to wish you (and your family) the best for this holiday season! and a very properous New Year!
Take care!
dcd ;-)
Documentaries that I must check-out! before you review them...
Hoop Dreams
The Thin Blue Line
Harlan County USA
Gates Of Heaven
Vernon, Florida
Don't Look Back
The Times of Harvey Milk
American Movie
Hearts and Minds
Little Dieter Needs to Fly
Bright Leaves
Freestyle: The Art of Rhyme
Dogtown and Z-Boys
Hey DCD---I hope you do check out the doc's and we can discuss them with my reviews. I might add When We Were Kings to the mix as well.
El Gringo---I have already seen Dogtown, so that rules that one out, but I do like it a lot. As for the other 2, they both look incredibly interesting. I am going to add them to my queue and hope I get the chance to review them during this marathon of sorts. Thanks a ton for the suggestions.
Seen King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters? I'm not usually one for documentaries but I found this one charming and also heartstring-tugging on several levels.
Hey Friend Mouse...Yes, I saw that earlier this year on DVD. I really loved it as well. It's put together so well, and builds perfectly.
Good choices but, add:
Hearts of Darkness, wife Eleanor Coppola's documentary shot while husband Francis filmed Apocalypse Now... she also had a journal kept during filming published as the book "Notes"
Both are excellent views of the creative process of filmmaking.
.. the Jman...
PS -
Winged Migration is probably my fave overall, six years to make.
...the Jman...
YES! Hearts Of Darkness! I knew I was forgetting something!
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