Wednesday, August 6, 2008

In Non-film Related Talk...

I just awoke from a terrible nightmare where I was being chased around my place of work(where my last day is tomorrow) by my mean,lazy old lady of a boss with a friggin machete! It was so weird, because it started out normal and then all the sudden BAM! MACHETE!

Not sure why I had to post this here, but it scared me to death and I thought you would like to know. For the record, I am still shaking right now.
By the way, that picture looks exactly how she does.
Any words of consolation would be appreciated.


Marcy said...

Wow, that must have been horrifying! If I were in you, I'd be pretty scared tomorrow, even if it was just a dream, haha.

I hope you're feeling better now...

Dead Pan said...

yes, the nerves have calmed. I can finally breathe. Thank you for the kind words, and luckily she doesn't work tomorrow. If she somehow shows up though I am going to hide everything sharp in the store in my car.